The first half of 2013 portrayed an ongoing success of Bangkok’s chapter effort to continuously promote and foster the professionalism of project management in Thailand. This is reflected by the chapter’s capacity in finding various ways of extend the engagement with members and professionals with an array of events.
Apart from the regular monthly events where top-notch speakers contributed by sharing their experiences, the chapter launched its first full day training and organized a semester-wide course for the sole MBA in Project Management in Thailand.
One of the key highlight during the period was the first full day training event focused on educating professionals on topics necessary for managing internationalprojects. This initiative supported Bangkok chapter’s mission towards preparing project managers in Thailand for the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2016. It featured five esteemed speakers with experiences around the globe, and received an astounding success with nearly a hundred participants, complementarily providing a remarkable networking opportunity for project managers in the kingdom.
In addition to the chapter-organized events, members of the board along with professionals in the field have extended their contribution by volunteering to educate students on PMBOK methodology on project management and share practical experiences through an international project management themed series of classes at the MBA in Project Management at the King Mongkut University of Technology. The topic ranged from core practices including scope management, risk management and resolution of troubled projects, to diversity management including communication, culture and people management in the international scene. The participation showcased a positive indication of interest and the chapter is pleased to have contributed towards building a stronger foundation in project management for the younger generation of professionals.
Nonetheless, the chapter’s monthly event organized on a recurring basis also featured distinguished speakers on carefully selected topics base

VP for Programs
The chapter attentively organized activities that provided new opportunities for members to develop their capacity in the profession, which also echoed on the chapter’s mission to prepare project managers for the upcoming AEC. The board of directors is actively striving to provide opportunities for networking and advancement of the profession in Thailand with a range of events in the second half of 2013. Stay tuned to PMI Bangkok Chapter website d on project management trends and requests from members. These included portfolio management, business representation on projects, an interactive session on neuro-linguistics programming and schedule analysis for mega projects that provided a forensic view of delayed projects. The presentation slides are available in the resources section of PMI Bangkok website.
for coming events and opportunities!
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