

Social Media for Project Managers

Original price was: 1,400.00 ฿.Current price is: 1,260.00 ฿.


The only book of forms that exactly follows the content of the PMBOK Guide, A Project Manager’s Book of Forms provides a “road map” approach so readers know exactly where they are and what forms precede and follow their current position on a project. This Second Edition aligns with the release of the Fifth Edition of the PMBOK Guide. Hard copies of the forms may be taken and reproduced directly from the book, and completely editable electronic versions of all the blank forms, in Microsoft Office-compatible format, are available on an accompanying website. You may use them as is or tailor them to your own needs.

  • Paperback: 153 pages
  • Publisher: Project Management Institute; Original edition (October 1, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1935589113
  • ISBN-13: 978-1935589112
  • Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 6.9 x 0.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 8 ounces

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Why is social media important? What is a microblog, podcast, vodcast, or a wikis, and why do project managers need to know? Communication is a key aspect of project management. Social media, the latest buzzword in the communications industry, is appealing to large and small business alike. . Many companies that initially utilized social media to reach customers and to build their reputations are now expanding its use to internal project management as well. Adapting the use of social media to project management drives efficiencies. Project managers appreciate how the concept of community relates to the overall morale and project success.