Construction scheduling is one of the most critical project management and planning for construction projects. It is equally important for owners and contractors. On mega construction projects, well-developed and updated schedules can be used to measure and prove project delays as well as determine the responsibilities to owners or contractors. Time impact analysis is one of delay analysis methodologies which is widely used in many mega construction projects and also accepted to prove delay claims in court rooms. The presentation aims to briefly demonstrate the schedule/delay analysis methodology for measuring and proving project delays and a real case example of delay claim analysis for a mega construction project.
Dr. Apirath Prateapusanond is an international construction claim consultant with 15-year experience in dispute resolution and project management on mega construction and property projects such as the WAGP project in Africa, the Big Dig project in Boston, GSA Office Building and U.S. Courthouse in New York, Enron Power Plant in Puerto Rico and Ronald Reagan Building in Washington D.C. She is a schedule expert witness on Samut Prakarn Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in Thailand. Currently, she is a managing director of Warner Construction Consultants (Thailand).